Tools of Treatment

Massage Services


Relaxation Massage

Relaxation or Swedish massage is a great option if you’re looking to relax, relieve tension, reduce stress, and reconnect with your mind and body. It is considered the traditional or base of traditional western massage and is the base of most of my massage sessions.

Relaxation massage involves different styles of long light or gentle gliding and kneading strokes, and tapping movements to promote relaxation.


Deep Tissue Massage

You might be looking for a deep tissue massage if you engage in physical activities or physical work, and have extensive tight, knotted muscles.  A typical massage with me will include deep tissue in focus areas we discuss or find during your session.

Deep tissue massage is usually slower, more detailed, heavier pressure work to address underlying tissue. This work can be moderate pressure, or more firm depending on your pain tolerance and goals for the massage. 


Full Chest & Abdominal Massage

You may have never thought of your chest and abdomen when you thought about massage, but it is a significant area of tension that we do a disservice to your system as a whole by not addressing. Like everywhere else in your body, on some level it's all connected.

Your chest and abdomen is a large part of your body that is not addressed in traditional western massage. Working these areas helps connect you to your body as a whole.
Ask me about adding abdominal chest or breast massage to your session, or learn more below.


Assisted Stretch Massage

Range of Motion movements, and stretch incorporated into your massage is great when your joints are feeling stuck, and/or you're experiencing chronic tightness and discomfort.

Stretching helps reduce joint pain, improves range of motion, and decreases your risk of  injury. Most massage sessions with me incorporate some range of motion or stretching of focus areas. If you're interested in receiving a Thai style massage on a mat please contact me ahead of your session.​


Cupping Therapy

Cupping might be a tool we use if you have an area of restricted movement, a persistent knot, or an area sensitive to deep pressure.

Cupping uses negative pressure to target your connective tissue, it can help reduce pain, and inflammation. It can be a good tool to release muscles and tissue without using the heavier pressure of deep tissue massage. 


Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point massage is another tool used for people experiencing chronic pain and/or muscle tension particularly pain or tension that comes back quickly after experiencing relief. 

A trigger point may feel like mild(ish) pain radiating out from the location of the trigger point, or you may feel the pain somewhere else entirely. We will hold pressure on the trigger point until it reduces significantly or you no longer feel the pain or discomfort at all.